Update on Kopi (With Images)

Ever grabbed a mimic's chest?

Ever wanted to?  
Kopi is on her way in sooner than later! I've added some clothes (sort of) that Kopi will wear. It's undecided if there will be an option to roam unclothed, but maybe you want something like that? For now she has clothed and unclothed version. I can't show you the unclothed version here, but it's on my Patreon if you want to see it! 
As for her sprite, in the top left, that's mostly just the idea of her sprite and it's very possible that it will be changed significantly between now and the next couple of days as she gets implemented into A Forest Tail!

Some side news on why updates are taking a moment: 
Our lil' programming fox sprained his neck so he's been recovering over the last few days. There has been progress, but less than he expected. Don't lose hope, lil' programming fox!! We won't give up on you!! 

That's all for now! I really do appreciate all the support you've all been giving! I'm always here to read your comments and reflect on your advice so please pleeeaaase don't hold back!! 

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